Kyleah Dutchess Gregoire

Fundraising Goal Tracker

My name is Kyleah Dutchess Gregoire, daughter of Danny Gregoire and Carol Marie Peralta-Gregoire. I am currently a sophomore at Pacifica High School. I have had the honor of being able to join one of the academies offered here at our school, the Teaching and Educational Careers Academy (TECA). I currently hold a 3.8 GPA and hope to keep my studies steady. I will be going on my third year cheering at PHS. I’ve participated in multiple events with PARC (Peace and Respect Committee) such as student-led meetings with the school board, and hope to continue with more. I attend New Life Community Church regularly, and volunteer at All Saints Church in Oxnard, feeding people in need. I hold high standards for my future, when I graduate high school my goal is to go to UC San Diego and pursue a career in child psychology.


22nd, 2025


Please RSVP to the 20th Century Onyx Club 60th Annual Debutante Ball at Zachari Dunes in Oxnard, Ca.  

Be part of the Experience!

The 20th Century Onyx Club Inc. is a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting and supporting social welfare and encouraging the involvement of young women in the community. It encourages the development of social responsibility and provides scholarship incentives for our youth who seek higher education. As a young woman of African American heritage, it is an honor to be a part of this organization that allows me to represent my community in a positive way and be a part of what will leave an everlasting effect on the community. 

On February 22nd, 2025, the 20th Century Onyx Club will hold its 60th Annual Debutante Ball at Zachari Dunes in Oxnard, California. I aspire to be crowned “Miss Debutante 2025” as it would be an opportunity for me to represent my community with class and grace, in addition to being a significant personal achievement. You can help me achieve this goal by purchasing a ticket to the ball, becoming a sponsor, partisan, patron, commercial advertiser, or a donor toward a memorial scholarship dedicated to a loved one. 

Your contribution, big or small, will be greatly appreciated. Please complete the enclosed contribution form and return it to me no later than December 16, 2024. Make any checks payable to the 20th Century Onyx Club. If you have any questions, please contact my father, Danny Gregoire, at (818) 743-3291 or my mother, Carol Peralta-Gregoire at (805) 366-9526. Thank you so much in advance for your time and support. 

Kyleah Gregoire